To consider selling your house for cash can be a stressful affair especially if you are on a deadline. People often sell their homes when they are moving to a new location due to a new job, a personal situation or financial situations. In order to attract strong offers, you need to improve the marketability of your home drastically. Here are a few tips that can help in the process right from some top real estate agents as you can find at
Declutter, Declutter, Declutter
A lived-in house often has plenty of knick-knacks that will make it seem even more cluttered than usual. In order to make your house presentable and appealing to potential buyers, experts suggest packing away large furnishings and extra belongings. This will create an appearance of larger rooms. Since potential buyers will be looking through the different nooks and crannies of your house, you need to make sure that your closets are also well organized. So do not make the amateur mistake of cramming your closets with your belongings so that they stay out of sight. You need to make it easier for the buyers to visualize themselves in your home without your personal belongings interfering with their vision. Rent a roll-away dumpster to make decluttering and cleaning a breeze.
Choose a Selling Strategy
There are two ways to put your house on the market. You can either choose to hire a real estate agent or do it yourself. If you opt to sell your home on your own, you need to put in a lot of effort. But if you plan on selling your house quickly, you will be able to negotiate with the buyer’s agent like a pro. You will need to be able to juggle contract paperwork, negotiate escrow timelines, and make sure all the forms are filled correctly and so on. However, if you are under a time crunch, it is in your best interest to hire a real estate agent. They already know the ins and the outs of the process, and will employ the proper tactic to sell your house at the best possible price in the shortest time.
Decide on the Price
Selling a house is a difficult job. When you add a timeframe to it, it gets even more challenging. In order to enable the sale of your house within the fixed time frame, you need to price your home correctly. By overpricing it, you tend to push away potential buyers and with a lower price, you ultimately end up losing money. You need to learn more about how best to price your home right to attract more buyers. This usually depends on the region your house is in and the real estate market as well. Also, you need to strike a balance between the maximum and minimum amount you can sell the house.
You can also decide on a day, after which you will lower your price in case you haven’t received any worthwhile offers till then. This is a drastic measure but will make sure that your house is sold by the time your deadline is up. You can also offer added incentives to make the house seem more appealing to potential buyers. For example, you can offer the appliance, or pay the buyer’s closing cost, and so on.
Listing Description
In order to get potential buyers interested in the property so that they come over to see it, it is important to write a great listing description. In fact, houses with beautifully written listing descriptions do not stay on the market for long. You have to use effective keywords that list out your home’s desirable features. You can also write about your home’s proximity to different facilities like the neighborhood, park, school, public transportation and so on.
Repair Work
A lived-in home will show signs of wear and tear over time. When you are trying to sell a house, you need to carry out some minor fixes and repairs so that it does not deter buyers. Some minor repairs like fixing loose tiles, repairing loose door-handles, patching spots, tightening leaky faucets and so on will make a huge difference while selling your house. Some people even go as far ahead as applying a new coat of paint or installing new bathroom cabinets and kitchen cabinets. This will also allow you to ask for a slightly higher price on the house.
Be Flexible
When your goal is to sell your home as soon as possible, you will need to be flexible with showings. Although last-minute showing can cause chaos in your schedule, you will have to accommodate them in order to avoid letting your house sit on the market for too long. Some people prefer to hold open houses over the weekend so that multiple potential buyers can walkthrough. Some buyers return for a second look before making their final decision, so be ready to accommodate them and keep the house as presentable as possible.
Add Curb Appeal
Sprucing up your home over the weekend will help make your house look more attractive and create a good first impression on buyers. According to a recent survey, homes that are staged tend to be sold, a lot faster than the ones that aren’t. If you do not have the time to stage your home, you can hire a stager. They will bring in their own furniture and other additional accessories to spruce up your home in no time. They will probably ask you to place your personal belonging in storage till the house is sold. Landscaping the yard is also an additional way of improving how the house looks. You can also hire a professional landscaper to trim hedges, clean paths, trim shrubs, plant flowers and so on.
Hire a Professional Photographer
Everyone these days are under the impression that they can take good quality photographs with their smartphones. However, it is better to hire a professional photographer while trying to sell your house quickly. Photographs play a very important role in increasing potential buyers, according to a recent survey. Almost 77% of recent buyers prefer houses with good photographs. Professional photographers will be able to capture the essence of your home. They can make sure that space seems to flow with plenty of natural light. You will notice an increase in offers after promoting your house pictures that are taken by a professional photographer. Hence, do not hesitate to spend a few bucks to get more value in return.
Making major life decisions like a home sale is not easy. With the clock ticking away, most home sellers are forced to sell their homes at a compromised rate. However, if you know to do it right and do it so, you can sell your house at the earliest possible. By approaching the sale with a clear understanding and the right agent, you can sell house fast at the right price at the right time.