Theatre of Floating Garden / by WE Architecture

Theatre of Floating Garden, Poland / by WE ARCHITECTURE

About Theatre of Floating Garden by WE Architecture:
Traditionally, theatres only serve a small group of the population. If judging a book by the cover, most theatres also architecturally exempt the idea of a closed world, a place that only a few experience from the inside. Our aim was to create an open house; a house for the people; a house which is as active and public from the inside as from the outside.

Theatre of Floating Garden, Poland / by WE ARCHITECTURE

We have tried to design a dynamical building which creates a harmony between the coexistence of humanity and nature. The new extension will be experienced as a light roof with transparent facades, connecting all the functions of the house and acting as a pavilion in the garden. With maximal respect towards the old trees on the site, we have tried to gently wrap the building around the surroundings in order to preserve as much of the original garden as possible.

Theatre of Floating Garden, Poland / by WE ARCHITECTURE

Theatre of Floating Garden, Poland / by WE ARCHITECTURE

WE architecture
name: Teatri Polski
assignment: Open competition
type: Theater
clients: The City of Szczecin
size: 4500 m2
place: Szczecin, Poland
year: 2010
status: Idea
team: Marc Jay, Julie Schmidt-Nielsen, Nora Fossum, Søren Thiesen, Katarzyna Nycz, Jorge Cortes De Castro, Máté Szabó, Stella Buisan, kristian Hindsberg.

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