The oil and gas sector is one of the most important and complex industries in the world. At the heart of it is a vast infrastructure of facilities and pipelines used for transporting, refining and distributing some of the most critical resources for modern civilization. This means any unscheduled downtime can lead to serious problems. It’s estimated that ineffective equipment maintenance is responsible for billions of dollars in losses throughout the industry.
It certainly doesn’t help that the energy sector features some of the most demanding conditions for machinery and infrastructure. Equipment used for oil and gas is exposed to extreme temperatures, exceptional pressure, caustic chemicals and harsh environments. These all take their toll over time, increasing the risk of unwanted stoppages in production or distribution. All of this is why operators need to have a plan in place to ensure their equipment remains in good condition and continues to perform as reliably as possible.
There are numerous tools and techniques the oil and gas sector can employ to keep equipment in prime condition. One of the most important of these is a schedule for planned preventive maintenance. Performing routine checkups and maintenance prevents small issues from growing into larger concerns that can impact performance.
Today, technicians have a number of advanced technologies that make watching over assets much easier. One of these is the Industrial Internet of Things, which connects sensors across a network so operators can receive real-time insights into machine health and other metrics to help them make more-informed decisions. Mobile devices such as smartphones also make it possible for technicians in the field to perform inspections and stay updated with up-to-the-minute data about equipment.
With so much at stake, the oil and gas industry can’t afford to allow the health of its equipment to be a lingering question. To learn more about how vital this issue is, take a look at the accompanying resource.
Infographic created by Smartcorr Systems, a corrosion monitoring equipment supplier