The Future of Skyscrapers: A Union Between Design and the Environment

China is home to some of the world’s highest and most scintillating skyscrapers, especially in the Shenzhen Economic Zone. It’s not unusual to spot buildings just shy of 2,000 feet dotting the landscape. For those striving to catch a glimpse of the future of skyscrapers, the KK100 and Jin Mao Tower garner much attention in first-timers to the region. But the future of sky rises is not just about sophistication and aesthetic appeal; they also need to incorporate elements that work in harmony with their surroundings to minimize the environmental impact.

Design That Encompasses Eco-Communities

While skyscrapers are often designed in isolation, the China Resources Land project is said to create an environment that encourages sustainable communities. The site, which is also earmarked for the Shenzhen Economic Zone, will be a first in terms of sustainable living. It will center around community-based living, including recreational areas, relaxation spots, and natural areas that underscore the ecological side of the project. Technological advancements and modern construction methods and materials will make a remarkable impact on the sustainability efforts of the project.

A Purely Natural Facade

In South Korea, designers have combined research and talent to come up with a major sustainable innovation. The Giant Sequoia Skyscraper looks at the integration of apartments into giant trees, which will encourage the care and protection of these ancient giants. According to Kardie Equipment, worker efficiencies are paramount to the safety of the construction of such a site and for those concerned about the impact on the environment. This is because heavy machinery such as skylifts and construction vehicles will form an integral part of the project. Careful planning and placement will ensure the integrity of the site remains intact during the entire construction.

A Look At Global Environmental Contextualism

Sustainability is not the only focus that modern construction teams need to focus on before erecting a skyscraper. New data reveals that these companies are also concerned with efficiency models. In fact, Global Environmental Contextualism is the new mantra of skyscraper construction. Jeddah Tower in Saudi Arabia and Central Park Tower in New York City provide insight into this new philosophy, or newfound builder’s code, that has recently been adopted on a global scale.

The future of architecture is exciting as it embraces sustainability targets. While the designs might prove challenging, they also allow architects and designers to approach their designs from an entirely different perspective.

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