Tension, a Hundred Years Architectural Perspectives in Indonesia

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The exhibition, titled _Tension, a Hundred Years Architectural Perspectives in Indonesia_, is an architectural exhibition held by Pusat Dokumentasi Arsitektur (PDA), in cooperation with Nederlands Architectuurinstitu ut (NAi).

This architectural exhibition tells of a narrative on architectural ideas which has taken place in Indonesia in the period 1910 – now. The narrative starts with the search for Indies architecture carried out by colonial period architects such as Henri Maclaine Pont and C.P. Wolff Schoemaker. The narrative would continue with the imagining of free, modern Indonesia during the reign of Sukarno. Architects of that day such as—among other—Friedrich Silaban and members of ATAP would be featured in this second segment. The third periode featured in the exhibition would be a search for locality (regionalism) during 1970s-1990. Such search manifested in the works of Atelier 6, Y.B. Mangunwijaya and design team of Universitas Indonesia’s Administrative Centre Building. The fourth period is the present, contemporary story. Not only it would feature Arsitek Muda Indonesia (AMI), but also groups such as Forum Arsitek Medan (FAM), Desainer Muda Surabaya (De Maya), etc.

The exhibition is intended to present to the public that architectural narrative is much more than just edifices. Architecture is a multi-disciplined field, which is intertwined with imaginative act of defining the being, or existence, of a society.

The Soft Opening of the exhibition would be held at Monumen Nasional on 2nd November 2007, and would be opened by senior architect Suwondo B. Sutedjo and Bambang Eryudhawan , Honorary Head of Indonesian Institute of Architects, DKI Jakarta Chapter. The Grand Opening, which is planned to be opened by the Governor of DKI Jakarta and the Dutch Ambassador, would be held at the Erasmus House on 27 th November 2007.

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