Tag Shigeru-Ban

£31,700 of Paper Tea House by Shigeru Ban

The well known Japanese architect, Shigeru Ban, is happy right now as his art works, Paper Tea House was sold for £31,700. I like the monochrome color, it’s cool man. The house is made entirely from recycled cardboard rectangular tubes,…

“Make It Right” Housing Project by Shigeru Ban

30 architects has joined Brad Pitt’s project called “Make It Right” Housing aims to develop sustainable and affordable housing in New Orleans. One of them is Japanese architect Shigeru Ban whose design displayed above and below. Make It Right’s goal…

Shutter Houses by Shigeru Ban

Shigeru Ban, a Japanese architect based in Paris, applying new design concept to the 9-condo located at 524 West 19th Street, West Chelsea. The condo called as Shutter House as it adopting metal shutter system that allows the residence open…