Tag Residential

Distance of Fog House, Japan / StudioGreenBlue

Distance of Fog, Japan / StudioGreenBlue
This house is called “Distance of Fog” and it is situated in the suburbs of Tokyo. The project site is located on a cul de sac with seven other single family homes. Cul de sac’s in Japan often are used as a common space for the families that live on them, and they are often used as children’s playgrounds or places of gathering. But unfortunately, most suburban Japanese homes tend to be disconnected to the street. This subdivision is certainly no exception.

M11 House, Vietnam / A21 STUDIO

m11 House, Vietnam / A21 STUDIO

© a21 studio Project description of M11 House, Vietnam by A21 Studio: M11 house is located in a residential area of HoChiMinh’s suburban. By using natural materials as wood and stone, utilizing top lights as well as placing small green-courtyards…