Tag Kotaro Horiuchi Architecture

Liaison Cubique / by Kotaro Horiuchi Architecture

For a traditional Japanese restaurant in the underground commercial space under Nagoya Station, we started by analyzing the time transversal components of architecture, themes such as metric, gradation, rhythm and transparency, giving them a contemporary twist.
We used one of the…

The Residential of Roof in Maintenon, France / by kotaro horiuchi architecture

The Residential of Roof in Maintenon, France / by kotaro horiuchi architecture

The siste is located in Maintenon 65km southwest of Paris, France. The Residential suburb of Paris inhabited a family of three married couples and children. Spontaneous grounds surrounded by vast grasslandsare and forests open as a place of rest for the weekend of Parisien, give healing to life in the city while enjoying the open-air bath in nature.