Few months ago Roldán + Berengué arqts have finished new apartment tower in Plaça Europa in Barcelona.
© Jordi Surroca
It’s social apartment building and part of an urban master plan by Viaplana & Piñon for L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, the Plaça Europa. Even thought the Torre is social housing tower, among the most regulated and least glamorous areas of architecture, with limited budget, we tried to make difference and hopefully managed to make it look attractive with its elegant facade and generous entrance lobby presented as a interior street crossing the building.
One interesting detail very specific for Roldan + Berengue architecture is cutting of the façade every tree floors (grouping the floors), that completely changes scale in this case, of the tower from 15 floor building to the scale of traditional lower 5 floor building in the neighborhood.
The tower envelope is ventilated façade of HPL large two-tone grey panels sewn with aluminum profiles and connecting at the same time the huge 3 floor tribunes.
All materials used in the tower’s construction are 100% recyclable and specifically the ones used in the facade come from a 65% natural materials and 100% already recycled materials.
Website: www.roldanberengue.com