Tapak Bumi shared with us their green & sustainable project, the Ocean Village, where’s situated in Banten, Indonesia. The project is a result of collaboration between the company and Yu Sing + Partners.
As with the society, Indonesia in antiquity were so close and intimate with the ocean that many of their housing and settlements were built on waters, reflected on so many remaining of the floating villages found on the coastal islands of Indonesia. But these villages are now being abandoned as the majority of Indonesia community were started to centered on the mainland and began to forget the ocean.
Floating Village Concept
The housing block of this settlement uses the analogy of the ‘floating leaves’. The leaves represents ‘green and sustainability’ symbol of this village. Moreover, leaves also represent an independency. With that form of block, this village also has a purpose to be an independent settlement, which is capable to suffice its needs of energy, natural resources, food, and so forth.

Green Strategies
This project uses wind turbines and solar panels to produce electrical energy. The generated sources of the electricity can be used as a source for lighting the area and other needs. Beside the large-scale wind turbines placed in a certain field, there are also small-scale windmills made of aluminum drum those can be used in each of the dwelling unit. In addition to wind power sources, electricity sources can also be generated from biogas produced from waste black water of the sahred toilet.

Residential Unit Design
The housing unit will have a multifunction room (dining/kitchen/working room) & two bed rooms in the mezzanine level. There is also an open sky bathroom and terrace. Toilets are put together as a shared toilet so that black water waste can through an integrated processed into biogas and compost, while gray waste water can be filtered & used again for flushing of closets & watering the plants. The buildings are made in leaves shaped platform stage, so that room under the bottom floor can be used as a place to cultivate fishes or put things.
Website: www.tapakbumi.com | www.indonesianvillage.com