New Office Space for McKinsey & Company in Hong Kong / by OMA

Hong Kong, 3 June 2011 – The OMA-designed McKinsey & Company Hong Kong Office opens today. With the aim of challenging the conventional model of corporate office design, OMA brings McKinsey a brand new office design that caters to its needs for flexibility and enhanced collaboration, while fulfilling McKinsey’s rigorous requirements for maintaining client confidentiality.

New Office Space for McKinsey & Company in Hong Kong / by OMA

OMA Partner in charge David Gianotten commented: “The design of McKinsey’s new office reinterprets the relationship between the staff and the office space. The flexible layout enhances collaboration and communications among the staff, while allowing individual project teams to maintain the level of confidentiality they need.”

New Office Space for McKinsey & Company in Hong Kong / by OMA
by OMA

Led by Gianotten and project architect Alejandra Blanco Ackerman, the design of McKinsey’s new office deviates from traditional corporate office design and emphasizes openness. Inspired by the black bands of the universal barcode, different functional spaces of the new office are organized in a set of horizontal bands. Each band respectively accommodates rooms that offer flexible spaces that different staff members can share depending on their needs. The use of double glazed glass walls enhances the openness of the office, encouraging interaction among the staff and echoing the spirit of teamwork that is central to how McKinsey works internally, as well as with clients.

New Office Space for McKinsey & Company in Hong Kong / by OMA
by OMA

The central band, with common meeting areas for staff, is dedicated to promoting a greater sense of community between all staff members. The pantry at the eastern end, boasting a stunning view of Victoria Harbor, offers the best location for McKinsey Home Fridays, the monthly event that gathers consultants who travel frequently during the week to join their Hong Kong based colleagues in sharing experiences and renewing the sense of community. At the other end of the central band is the Quiet Area, a secluded corner for contemplation or rest.

New Office Space for McKinsey & Company in Hong Kong / by OMA
by OMA

With staff sitting mostly in open areas, a feature of the new design is the addition of several dedicated spots for private conversations. Four circular glass telephone booths are located throughout the open area and pantry for this purpose. Different colored furniture will not only add variety to the neutral palette of the office, but also serve the very functional purpose of letting staff know when a booth is available for use.

Joe Ngai, McKinsey’s Managing Partner for Hong Kong, commented: “We are very excited about our new office, as it embodies our values and our commitment to our people and our clients. This is a significant milestone as we celebrate our 26th year in Hong Kong.”


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