London Festival of Architecture 2008 Open For Submission

London Festival of Architecture 2008

The theme of the next London Festival of Architecture (LFA) 2008 is FRESH (fresh thinking, fresh talent, fresh approach, fresh air and fresh food). According to Ken Livingston, Mayor of London, London has the most vibrant architectural scene of any city in the world. And as mentioned by Peter Murray, the Director of LFA 2008, the most attraction of the event is that it brings together the professions and the general public in an event that celebrates the history of the place, the positive aspects of the present and takes a critical view of what the future might have to offer.

The LFA2008 will take an action between 20 June and 20 July 2008. And anyone is invited to submit their proposal until 30 November through LFA 2008 website.

Via iconeye | Find Books about London Festival of Architecture at

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