Every organization requires some form of safety protocols for their employees. But not all companies adhere to the safety procedures, that’s why labor forces around the world are facing safety hazards due to a lack of protective measures in the work area. Incompetencies regarding worker safety had led to many problems for the laborers.
Especially workers on a construction site face dreadful situations every day. Chief among these are risk of fall, machinery malfunction, electrocution, falling debris, and other structural hazards. While it may seem expensive, but the safety and protection of workers is a priority. Various simple practices can improve construction site safety, and the best part is that they are not hard to implement.
The following are the five essential safety tips for construction workers:
1. Wear Protective Gear
It is mandatory to wear protective gear while at the construction site—for example, glasses, hard hats, gloves, and long boots. The work area should also have access to first aid kits and fire extinguishers at all times. Wear back brace while lifting heavy objects or use googles/gloves while using dangerous tools. Use nonskid rubber footwear while operating on a slippery surface. In short, use the right protective gear for working conditions to minimize the chances of potential injuries or fatalities.
2. Designated Corporate Lodging
Some construction sites may require workers to stay in the work area due to sensitive equipment or to safeguard expensive machinery. But this poses a threat to the workers since the construction site has heavy chemicals, dangerous fumes, and hazardous gases. In a different situation, the unpredictable weather conditions may also cause potential accidents at construction sites. To avoid disasters, construction workers should have a lodging area with a temporary housing facility. Various companies offer safe corporate lodging for the construction workers since they have to spend the night in a secure environment and feel refreshed in the morning.
3. Inspection
The construction site should have regular inspections of the facility. Scaffolding used during construction always has a chance of injury if not scrutinized. Ladders are also a tool that has a high potential for danger if not used properly. Inspection of scaffolding, ladders, and other vital areas or equipment will save the workers from countless injuries. When handling big equipment such as a sandblasting machine it’s important to inspect the machine itself for any faulty wirings and have a sandblasting safety checklist in place to remind workers of the dos and don’ts in using the equipment. Supervisors, as well as operators, should always double-check their surroundings to keep the area safe and functional. Inspection is the key to identify and potential risks before it has a chance to hurt someone.
4. Put Safety Signs
Construction areas are full of hazards and dangers, not just for workers but for the public also. Highlighting hazardous areas with signboards or posters warns everybody around to take precautionary measures while working there. Safety signs are a cost-effective way of reducing the chances of accidents. Signs that indicate dangers like falling objects, slippery floor, poison/chemical hazard, and heavy machinery will indicate workers to remain careful and vigilant at all times.
5. Communication
Communicating safety hazards and prevention tips regularly to workers keeps them educated with handling concerns at construction sites. Training the workers in handling accidents and injuries and operating first aid kits and extinguishers will keep them vigilant. Staff should also communicate with each other in case they identify any potential danger or risk. Those working on-site should have an idea about existing dangers and awareness of other risks as well. Additionally, supervisors should ask the workers about improving safety conditions and report any accidents. Keeping a constant communication channel open with workers will trigger an immediate response in case of a mishap or an accident.
The safety of construction workers is a necessary factor to manage the operations at the site. Workers who are present there have serious life risks that can result in fatal injuries or death. Hence, adhering to the safety protocol ensures the security of the workforce. That is not only beneficial for the on-going project as it will go smoothly and uninterrupted while workers will feel satisfied with their safety standards.