Dubai, Past, Present, and Future

Dubai in 1990 prior to the craziness
(Dubai in 1990 prior to the craziness)

Dubai is amazing, why this country is so architecture maniac. Range between the largest artificial island and the tallest tower will be built in Dubai. And most top of the top architects designed all the area. Images shown here will tell you how amazing they are.

The same street in 2003
(The same street in 2003)

Dubai Last year
(Last year)

The madness
(The madness. Dubai is said to currently have 15-25% of all the world’s cranes.)

The Dubai Waterfront.
(The Dubai Waterfront. When completed it will become the largest waterfront development in the world.)

island that looks like a palm tree
(All of this was built in the last 5 years, including that island that looks like a palm tree.)

The Palm Islands in Dubai
(The Palm Islands in Dubai . New Dutch dredging technology was used to create these massive man made islands. They are the largest artificial islands in the world and can be seen from space. Three of these Palms will be made with the last one being the largest of them all.)

(Upon completion, the resort will have 2,000 villas, 40 luxury hotels, shopping centers, movie theaters, and many other facilities. It is expected to support a population of approximately 500,000 people. It is advertised as being visible from the moon.

The World Islands
(The World Islands . 300 artificially created islands in the shape of the world. Each island will have an estimated cost of $25-30 million.)

The Burj al-Arab hotel in Dubai
(The Burj al-Arab hotel in Dubai . The worlds tallest hotel. Considered the only ‘7 star’ hotel and the most luxurious hotel in the world. It stands on an artificial island in the sea.)

(Hydropolis, the world’s first underwater hotel. Entirely built in Germany and then assembled in Dubai , it is scheduled to be completed by 2009 after many delays.)

The Burj Dubai
(The Burj Dubai. Construction began in 2005 and is expected to be complete by 2008. At an estimated height of over 800 meters, it will easily be world’s tallest building when finished. It will be almost 40% taller than the the current tallest building, the Taipei 101.)

downtown Dubai
(This is what downtown Dubai will look like around 2008-2009. More than 140 stories of the Burj Dubai have already been completed. It is already the worlds tallest man made structure and it is still not scheduled to be completed for at least another year. )

The Al Burj
(The Al Burj. This will be the centerpiece of the Dubai Waterfront. Once completed it will take over the title of the tallest structure in the world from the Burj Dubai.)

(Recently it was announced that the final height of this tower will be 1200 meters. That would make it more than 30% taller than the Burj Dubai and three times as tall as the Empire State Building .)

The Burj al Alam
(The Burj al Alam, or The World Tower . Upon completion it will rank as the world’s highest hotel. It is expected to be finished by 2009. At 480 meters it will only be 28 meters shorter than the Taipei 101.)

The Trump International Hotel & Tower
(The Trump International Hotel & Tower, which will be the centerpiece of one of the palm islands, The Palm Jumeirah.)

(Dubailand. Currently, the largest amusement park collection in the world is Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando , which is also the largest single-site employer in the United states with 58,000 employees. Dubailand will be twice the size.)

dubai sport city
(Dubailand will be built on 3 billion square feet (107 miles^2) at an estimated $20 billion price tag. The site will include a purported 45 mega projects and 200 hundred other smaller projects.)

Dubai Sports City
(Dubai Sports City. A huge collection of sports arenas located in Dubailand.)

(Currently, the Walt Disney World Resort is the #1 tourist destination in the world. Once fully completed, Dubailand will easily take over that title since it is expected to attract 200,000 visitors daily.)

(The Dubai Marina is an entirely man made development that will contain over 200 highrise buildings when finished. It will be home to some of the tallest residential structures in the world. The completed first phase of the project is shown. Most of the other high rise buildings will be finished by 2009-2010.)

(The Dubai Mall will be the largest shopping mall in the world with over 9 million square feet of shopping and around 1000 stores. It will be completed in 2008.)

dubai indor ski
(Ski Dubai , which is already open, is the largest indoor skiing facility in the world. This is a rendered image of another future indoor skiing facility that is being planned.)

(Some of the tallest buildings in the world, such as Ocean Heights and The Princess Tower , which will be the largest residential building in the world at over a 100 stories, will line the Dubai Marina.)

(The UAE Spaceport would be the first spaceport in the world if construction ever gets under way.)


Some other other crazy shit…

* The Dubai Metro system, once completed, will become the largest fully automated rail system in the world. Many people living in Dubailand could probably use the metro system and donate a car they no longer will need at that point keeping the environment much healthier there as well.
* The Dubai World Central International Airport will become the largest airport in size when it is completed. It will also eventually become the busiest airport in the world, based on passenger volume.
* There are more construction workers in Dubai than there are actual citizens.

Source: Email


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  1. While “dubai-talk” dominates most of the architectural blogs and e-zines, this is the first time I have really seen a comprehensive breakdown of most of the insane activity that is and has happened. Shouldn’t we include the whole Dubai Waterfront into “Dubailand” though. I mean the whole thing is a spectacle.

  2. […] You can view here many of Dubai’s architectural majesty, including the tallest building in the making (Al Burj, which will be 3 times the Empire State Building), world’s largest amusement park, world’s tallest hotel, largest artificial man made islands, largest indoor skiing facility, world’s largest shopping mall and if approved, world’s first Space Port. […]


  4. […] For those of us who got that money, they may be interested in living or at least staying temporarily at this hotel/tower being built on what once was just ocean.  One living quarters (penthouse actually) in the tower is going for 30 Million. While that may sound like allot for many people, it will probably end up being a bargain for others willing to live and play on the new island of Palm Jumeriah at Dubai. […]

  5. well this guys r on thier own level. but why build islands? come to africa and build on land. we still got acres of space here.especially in Kenya

  6. Does the supply meets the demand? Is Dubai going to hold a certain percentage of the world’s population by building hunderds and thousands of high rise building? it’s pretty amazing that everything is developing fast… but hopefully not to cause another financial crisis

  7. I think they built the islands and lagoon projects to increase the amount of waterfront property fairly dramatically.

  8. Hi I would love if you could e-mail me this web page.Its fantastic. I have taken an interest in dubai and would like just to have these pictures. I cant seem to save the notes along with them though, which i think reaaly add to the pictures. I would very much appreciate it.Thank you

  9. Hi I would love if you could e-mail me too this web page.Its amazing. I have taken an interest in dubai and would like just to have these pictures. I cant seem to save the notes along with them though, which i think really add to the pictures. I would very much appreciate it.Thank you

  10. F-U-C-K Dubai. The whole city is built on bull shit and dirty money. I hope somebody blows the whole place up. That city is just a terrorest attack waiting to happen. F-U-C-K Presedent Bush and F-U-C-K the middle east!!!!!!!!!!


    they consume a F*CKIN LOT OF WATER!!!

    i am serious, we must stop this f*ckin city, this is a desert, there is no water and they are consuming all crystal water in the world!!! you must destroy that city faster as u can!!!

    you all fuckin bitches should die!!! >=(

  12. Though My world was quite shocking in the way he/she put it i do agree. All these new buildings, sports resorts, fun lands… No actual Dubai residents can afford to go. Its all built for Rich people from around the world. Dubai does not even care about its own people. They are manipulated and taken advantage of. The workers building these huge projects are paid pennies with no health care, insurance or Unions. Its a Disgusting way to run a country and they should be ashamed…..

  13. Fantastic city. Cant wait to get there. They make a lot of money on oil, and they sure do invest them in their own country and people, way to go :-)

  14. So i thought we were in a recession, i thought the world was going to shit? but all these countries can afford to pay for this? I just dont understand why we cant help each other out instead of wasting our money on a getaway resort. so the 500,000 richest people can come to and forget about the rest of the planet. i believe its a big waste of money, we can put forth money to help improve other situations instead of running away like little pussy’s.

  15. for MY WORLD.
    Dubai may or may not be built on money that is not rightfully acquired but it still is the GREATEST CITY EVER! hah : ]


  17. I had the pleasure/ honour of visiting Dubai during August. Absolutely fantastic, great infrastructure, nice people etc. I think people making these stupid comments probably haven’t been to Dubai to experience it first hand. Make a plan to get there – it will change your views!

  18. So once the novelty of visiting the biggest buildings, biggest ski resorts, first underwater hotel, etc wear off, all the rich people traveling from North/South America, Europe, and East Asia will realize they can do pretty much all these things in slightly smaller but equally maintained facilities in their own countries and not have to travel far out of their way to do so. One thing that most people who can afford these things have: they make sure their INCOME is maximized against their spending habits and surely they will consider regular visits to a city with virtually no culture (I’m not saying the Middle East or anywhere else on Earth is less culturally significant than places like France, Italy, etc., but come on Dubai is not Baghdad, Mecca, Jerusalem, etc) just a waste. Dubai is Las Vegas, on steroids without the proximity to the amount of consumers and wealth that Las Vegas is. Also, Las Vegas has the ability to cater to middle-income consumers who make up vastly more of the population that Dubai cannot.

    I’m sorry but Dubai will be a flash-in-the-pan Guinness World Record champion, a colossal waste of money and human labor and a complete drain of the world’s natural resources. The recent development of this city is analogous to Adam “Pacman” Jones’ making it rain incident: you get a ton of money without proper education and guidance and it goes to waste in the most flamboyant way possible.

  19. This is simply crassness personified. What are they are going to do next? Build a replica plannet Earth made from one trillion tonnes of steel.. complete with 6 billion lights to represent the human population..? Instead of building Dubailand and mini islands why don’t these wankers try and improve the situation for the ordinary locals..(especially the migrant workers whose conditions are appalling) instead of catering for the reptilian uber rich? Bollox!

  20. Evidently your abhorrence of Dubai draws its roots from fear; fear that Dubai is proving herself worthy of reigning as the Ultimate Superpower of the world!! Dubai is priding herself toward being a self sustainable land, a land that fears no recession.

    Why should Dubai spend its money on heavy artillery, in the hopes of conquering that which does not belong to her, like that which the US has been doing, where has that left the US?? War has left children fatherless, wives have become widows her people live in poverty and fear, consequences that have arisen from greed.

    Look at the statistics Dubai has more construction workers than residents, and you accuse you her of not considering the world being in recession Dubai has created jobs for thousands of people from her country and beyond.

    I think the world should marvel at her ingenious creations, an extraordinary feat of engineering!!!

    Proudly South African!!! :):)

  21. Sadly that city is built on vapor. Completely unsustainable, especially since all the money that they make comes from a resource that’ll be gone in 50 years. Sad to know something that pretty is going to crumble under its own weight.

  22. I had been to Dubai last year and i can say it’s completely shit to stay there.They got all their money from oil and they can built anything they want.But i wonder what these people like in Dubai.The atmosphere is not comfortable and it’s as if you are breathing hot vapour.One can hardly see more that 3 km because of the vapour in the atmosphere.One day the oil will end and it will be their end too.
    The appearance is misleading and the reality is that dubai is not the land of paradise but the desert of hell.

  23. WOW……..!!!
    Amazing place… I don’t understand y some people here have commented bad for Dubai…

    Conclusion: They are Bloody jealous!!

    Cheers to Dubai…:)

  24. I was born in an American territory but my blood is fully hispanic, I grew up in Dominican Republic. I do thank God for letting us be in U.S.A…but if i ever had a chance i would live all my life in Dubai. I agree with Seikh Ali when he says that they spend money on their own country instead of war!!!..I respect that culture soo much and admire them because of their intelligence and what they been tru. I will always refuse to go by the rules of America or any other nation. I go by God and myself…If America didnt waste their time at war and supposedly helping other nation(which i think is bullshit) they would’ve been something like whats Dubai is becoming. And Thank God America has nothing to do with Dominican Republic, But like i said I agree with Seikh Ali, my ass would stay and live all my life in Dubai. people over there are soo astute respectful, and humble.

  25. Please understand that the images show the more unusual projects in Dubai. There is a large amount of ‘normal’ building work going on, although at a somewhat slower pace since the recession hit. I’ve lived here now since early 2008, and find it considerably more comfortable than Europe. Yes, it’s hot in the summer, but the winters are glorious. The people are helathy, friendly, and despite the doom-mongers, I have yet to meet a site worker without his own mobile telephone, clean clothing, three square emals a day, health cover and a good standard of living.
    Very few people are rich, and Dubai has very little oil; it’s just another city, getting along as best it can, while developing its future as a world transport hub, not an oil producing nation. Don’t believe anything you read in the papers, most of the ‘reporters’ have plainly never set foot in the place.
    And yes, Dubai embraces peace and tolerance, a fact much appreciated by the 192 nations whose people are happily coexisting here, including quite a lot of Americans

  26. I’m going to die. These people crack me up! They act like they know everything about somewhere they’ve never been! They toss around stupid insults that aren’t even legitimate. And yes, Alex, it would be fantastic if they made a replica of the planet Earth with six billion lights. What do you people have against technology? And while you say they cater to the rich, they’ve actually created thousands of job for the working class. While there are some major attractions that are pretty expensive, there is a lot of everyday facilities too. I’m from Seattle. It’s the same way. You don’t need to be rich to live in Seattle, but it’ll cost you if you want to stay in a fancy hotel, eat out every day, go clubbing, and visit amusement centers.

  27. Not really,the buildings are made to profit.Before we run out of oil,the preofit gained in those 50 years will be at least 200% higher than the amount of money they spent on building.

  28. Well, besides that. How much deosn an island cost compared to some normal ground? Remember,these are CUSTOM MADE islands =D… It’s all for the money.