23 PARKS for 410ha Hillside / by Maxwan

23 PARKS for 410ha Hillside / by Maxwan

This project sets out not to create one park, but many great parks. Given the shear scale of the project the idea is not to create a singular grand vision, but to create a framework for thinking about the idea of a park that is intrinsically related to how to successfully implement the park over time. In reality, most parks are composed of a series of separate spaces that are somehow bound together. This design embraces that reality and showcases it. This diverse set of spaces combined with the four binding elements, shown raw, gives the park its distinct identity.

23 PARKS for 410ha Hillside / by Maxwan[/caption]

The park blends the historical with the contemporary. The view of the panorama of the park is highly valued by the citizens of the Ukraine. Historically, the hillside was a series of beautifully undulating hills that are now masked by a mass of monotonous trees. By diversifying the hillside, both in terms of planting and in terms of program, the park will reveal and represent a much deeper meaning to the Ukrainian people.

23 PARKS for 410ha Hillside / by Maxwan
by Maxwan

The park will serve as a show case of the rich, diverse of the ecology of the Ukraine. Amongst these landscape elements will exist a wide array of contemporary recreational activities, allowing the people a higher quality of life. In the end, the hillside will go beyond being a mere icon and will function as an illustration of the character of Ukrainian society.

Comprehensive park masterplan & Detailed design of European Square with the outlet of the Khreschatyk to the Dnieper River

City of Kiev, Central Department for Urban Planning & Architecture and Urban Design

country: Ukraine
city: Kiev
scale: XL
site area: 410ha

partner in charge: Hiroki Matsuura, Rients Dijkstra
team leader: Jason Hilgefort
team: Artur Borejszo , Leena Cho, Nobuki Ogasahara, Andreas Karavanas

Web: www.maxwan.com

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